Imprint & Contact




C/O VIENNA Publishing 
by Redaktionsbuero Ost Antje Mayer-Salvi e.U.
Maria-Lassnig-Straße 33 / Floor 2 / Top 37
A-1100 Vienna


UID-Nr.: ATU64873159, FN: 327093 
Erste Bank, IBAN: AT872 011128840025600, BIC: GIBAATWW



C/O VIENNA Friends
Association to Support Independent Cultural Journalism in Austria
Maria-Lassnig-Straße 33 / Stiege 2 / Top 17
A-1100 Vienna

ZVR-Zahl: 1668612760
Erste Bank, IBAN: AT15 2011 1852 9306 9700, BIC: GIBAATWWXXX



Vienna Business Agency. A service offered by the City of Vienna.


Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, Section IV - Arts and Culture (A)



Editorial Guidelines


C/O Vienna Magazine is an independent, bilingual publication released annually in print and weekly online. It is published by C/O VIENNA Friends, an association dedicated to promoting independent cultural journalism in Austria. The media owner is C/O Vienna Publishing by Redaktionsbuero Ost. The magazine is committed to truthful and accurate reporting. The editorial team exercises full editorial independence and verifies all facts, including quotations, to the best of its knowledge and ability.

No editor shall be compelled to express an opinion contrary to their own, to publish inaccurate information, or to alter quotations against the will of the interviewee.

C/O Vienna Magazine upholds the principles of a critical public discourse, adheres to the fundamental right to freedom of expression, and is committed to a journalism that sees itself as the "fourth estate" in the state, serving as a regulatory force against the "fifth estate" of lobbying and social media influence.

C/O Vienna stands for the promotion and protection of human rights. The magazine rejects all forms of discrimination and upholds the core values of democracy.

C/O Vienna seeks to amplify the voices of those who, due to their social status, origin, gender, age, or sexual orientation, lack public representation and cannot express their opinions freely—or only under difficult conditions.
The editorial team categorically rejects any attempt to influence content by businesses, institutions, individuals, political parties, or groups driven by economic, religious, or ideological interests.

Advertisements, partnerships, and external sponsorships—including support for travel and research—are disclosed transparently.

The magazine’s themes and content are developed, discussed, and decided upon collectively in regular editorial meetings. In cases of conflict, the final decision rests with the editor-in-chief, who bears ultimate responsibility for the publication’s content.


All rights reserved. Texts, images, films, graphics, and translations in this publication are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, modified, or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some pages also contain texts, films, images, and graphics that are subject to third-party copyrights. This website has been compiled with the utmost care. However, C/O VIENNA Magazine cannot guarantee the accuracy or freedom from errors of the information contained herein.